Peer-reviewed publications
S. Ghonge, M. Kuno, and B. Jankó, Photoluminescent cooling with incoherent light. APL Photonics 9, 081301 (2024).
N. Sharma, S. Ghonge*, A. Francisco*, D. Green, M. Toole, A. Ruth, L. Collins, K. Gomes, M. Eskildsen, B. Jankó, and X. Liu. Quantitative Analogue Simulation of Planar Molecules. Nano Letters 24, 22, 6658 (2024). (*=contributed equally)
Z. Zhang*, S. Ghonge*, Y. Ding, S. Zhang, M. Berciu, R. D. Schaller, B. Jankó, and M. Kuno, Resonant multiple-phonon absorption causes efficient anti-Stokes photoluminescence in CsPbBr3 nanocrystals. ACS Nano 18, 6438 (2024). (*=contributed equally)
S. Ghonge, D. Engel, F. Mattiotti, G. L. Celardo, M. Kuno and B. Jankó, Enhanced robustness and dimensional crossover of superradiance in cuboidal nanocrystal superlattices. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023068 (2023).
K. Kniazev, T. Guo, C. Zhai, R. S. Gamage, S. Ghonge, et al., Single-molecule characterization of a bright and photostable deep-red fluorescent squaraine-figure-eight (SF8) dye. Dyes and Pigments, 210, 111031 (2023).
S. Ghonge and D. C. Vural, Counterfactual thermodynamics: Extracting work from a lack of macroscopic change. Physica A 593, 126893 (2022).
S. Ghonge and D. C. Vural, Temperature as a quantum observable. J. Stat. Mech. 2018, 073102 (2018).
S. Ghonge and D. C. Vural, Inferring network structure from cascades. Phys. Rev. E 96 (1), 012319 (2017).
D. C. Vural and S. Ghonge, Methods and systems for inferring network structure from cascades. US Patent No. 10652096, issued May 12, 2020.
Conference abstracts
S. Ghonge, et al., Multiple-phonon assisted anti-Stokes photoluminescence in CsPbBr3 nanocrystals. APS March Meeting (2024).
S. Ghonge, et al., Resonant multiple-phonon absorption causes efficient anti-Stokes photoluminescence in CsPbBr$_3$ nanocrystals. Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications VI, SPIE Photonics West (2024).
Z. Zhang, S. Ghonge, et al., Understanding efficient up-conversion in CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals. Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications V, SPIE Photonics West (2023).
S. Ghonge et al., Thermodynamic constraints on photoluminescent cooling with coherent and incoherent light sources. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2023).
S. Ghonge et al., The effect of nanocrystal shape and superlattice morphology on superfluorescence in semiconductor nanocrystal superlattices. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2022).
A. Francisco, S. Ghonge et al., Modeling Non-Kekulé Molecules With Quantum Corrals. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2022).
D. C. Vural and S. Ghonge, Is Temperature a Local Realistic Variable? Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2018).